Martial Arts Training In Shaolin Kenpo

Training In Shaolin Kenpo And How It Can Help You

White Belt

Shaolin Kenpo

In the Martial Arts at white belt when ur training in Shaolin Kenpo u learn how to do ur first basic kicks, punches and basic blocks. Learning how to move in straight moves so u can develop good posture. The better ur posture when ur first starting out the better u will become later as ur moving up in the ranks. Its very important to do this so u can become the best student. U can be and have a strong foundation as ur moving up in ranks. Also at white belt ur learning how to stand correctly and punch, block and kick. The more u focus on what ur doing the better the training u will get.

Plus u start learning the first basic stances which help develop ur posture and form. The first stance u learn is called the horse stance, this stance is used when ur practicing techniques standing still. The second stance u learn is the half moon stance. U use this stance when ur moving forward and backward.

Shaolin Kenpo

At yellow belt u start learning maneuvers that u put into practice called forms. A form is a group of techniques put together to practice is if someone is attacking u. U start learning this to start developing ur coordination and balance, u also start learning a different stance called the cat stance. The cat stance is used when ur putting most ur weight on one leg while the other leg is in front ready to kick. The purpose of this stance is so that u can kick much easier at any time without adjusting ur balance. Learning these skills at this level helps start maneuvering in different ways so u can start developing more skills to use in ur training.

Orange Belt

At Orange belt u start learning how to move in other directions besides going straight. U start learning forms that take u to diagonal directions so u can start learning how to use ur skills more effectively. Orange belt is the last beginning belt of the shaolin kenpo system. Training at this rank will help develop different angle focus and concentration. U will be able to learn how to coordinate in multiple directions.

Purple Belt

At Purple belt u can start wearing a black gi and u are no longer a beginning rank. U are now an advanced student and now learning advanced strikes and kicks. This is a great accomplishment for anyone to get too, it shows how u are focused on ur training and dedicated to going higher and doing ur best to become the best student u can be.

Blue thru Brown Belt u are continuing to train in advanced skills, forms and other combinations that help focus ur mind and get ready to get ur black belt. There is even a form u learn that has 2 sides to it, its called 2 man fist set, a very fun form to learn especially if have a partner practicing the other side.


Congratulations u have now moved to ur final belt. Once u get to ur black belt u are not just an advanced rain u are now a senior rank, when u put ur belt on all other belts are to kneel down til u get done. The black belts are the ranks that the other belts look upto and want to become. Getting ur black belt is a historic achievement in ur life.