
Weve found the answer to our daily problems with food & weight with this awesome coffee. Coffee sounds yummy.

Attention please this is important, Ive seriously found a way to have my cake & eat it too! I wrote this to do the same for you & others who want to look & feel great, & who wants to “Live” with the Better Foods, Fine Wines & the lifestyle that it comes with. With this new good friend for your Mornings, you can eat the Better Things with no worry or guilt of what will happen to your waistline.

coffee and wine
Have any idea what makes your morning with Coffee that much better?

Let this “Awesome” Morning Coffee help you to lose 10-20 pounds of nasty fat & inches a month! Sounds like a great idea so dont miss out.

Im most likely just a usual person when it comes to eating habits, things i do & how i live. Usual that is for a “Foodie”! YES!!! I love GOOD THINGS… & Im quite happy with my ideas for Food, Wines, & Chocolate. A great piece of Pie, or Cheesecake – thats hard to pass up too. Youll also find that food tastes much yummier. As the size of your meal will become less, this coffee does effect you so youre dont want to eat as much & eat for comfort.

Here is what I Want. We’ll call it “My Cake”.

All of us want to wake up & be excited to go thru the day. Being Alert & ready to make differences. For me I want to focus daily on my goals. Money, Spirit, Physical, & Mentality.

I Wanna make Others lives better. To show them how to grow, build, & to help them make Time, Money, & Freedom. Doesnt that sound great?

I wanna Eat Good Foods and spend good times with others. To enjoy awesome cooking, & the art of Food. I love Wine very much. Not just any Wine either, but Fine Wines. I have enjoyed the years to be able to wind down with Wine. To end the day correctly & look back on what was done & to spend time with my better half. We like talking about the day, & the plans in the near future. Even the what will happen tomorrow, next week, next month. Liking such things could be very nice to do so dont miss out. Order some fine wines thatll be very flavorful to you.

These are the Side Effects of me with “My Cake” & me “Eating My Cake” (Before I found my Solu)

I wake up, wanting to go thru the day. Have the morning coffee going, get things going for that day. Doing everything I can each day making things better & brighter for everyone that can be impacted by what i can do for them. How cool does that sound?

As I do this, I have often enjoyed great food, fine wines; & have been watching as I gain weight slowly & what seems steadily. I’m am even conscious of my health needs, replacing meals with nutritious & low calorie shakes. I trade bad choices for good choices is that smart or what, so in theory I could still enjoy all the Fine Foods & Fine Wine in the evenings, what I refer to as “celeb the day”. Though it seems my body & I seem to be at odds; leaving me to constantly battle weight gain, weight Loss, in a battle. Battling those is such a pain in the butt.

I kept on doing wacko ways to lose 40-50 lbs at a time. These ways are not “Eating My Cake” & always needing a way of life far from things I love, its a pain in the butt right? So yes it wont last, its not the place I wanna be, & so the battle went on. Battles can be so hard to fight, especially when you dont have the right things.

Its no fun, & I know a few ppl that are miserable with it like I did. (DID – keep reading, because this struggle is done).

UNTIL… I found the answer. So I can now have my cake, &  “Eat my Cake!” The answer is very easy & not switching anything more than my daily coffee? Seriously – thats all – didn’t switch anything else! Sounds great doesnt it? Do this for yourself.

& these are the Side Effects of me with “My Cake” & me “Eating My Cake” (After I found my Solu)

coffee and wine

This is where coffee and wine comes into my life all the time now. Plus I can show this with those around me. Its an sweet thing. I seriously feel like Ive found the “Unicorn” of weight control. Though Im not going to hide it away i will seriously tell anyone I can. We only live once right!

With our Coffee – AWE things that helps you FEEL GREAT & LOSE WEIGHT. Those pain the neck INCHES around the gut, thighs, butt. Youll want to say thanks to me for eternity, because Im already thanking my friend that showed this to me. I can lose weight & keep it off with no problems of bad diets, severe diet or trying to control yourself. I really just drink 2 cups of great flavored coffee in the morning. It makes me feel great & gives me a ton of energy. This is a fact weight loss Coffee!  Use your Common sense too, I Eat right, & love a great Dinner (with Wine) during the week. We do have our fun, & “splurges” on our Date Nights during the week. Plus, we get to look & feel great – all because of this Coffee! Those who love coffee will love this . So get started now on losing weight & keep it off.

  • No need to exercise!
  • No need to be on any Special Diets!
  • We do not need to mea out anything.
  • No need to change our lifestyles around this.
  • Be set with a Scientific Wonder that allows us to literally eat cake & lose weight!

Life is stressful enough.

The JOB, the Family, the bills… all of it. We do not deserve to suffer with our weight, & fat. We need a helping hand, & it is here in the form of Coffee that delivers us the methods to lose the weight. It literally melts away.

BTW need help with the bills? Make sure to look into the Organization Side of how we dont only lose the weight, but get rid of debt! You can get the Info as you take care of your order of Coffee, & you can reach out to me thru signing up – – – TO THE RIGHT OF THIS ARTICLE ======> to my email newsletter. You can reply straight to me, & we can talk about it more. So lets make some money & lose that weight go sign up now.